Friday, June 24, 2011

25 Weeks

How Far Along: 25 Weeks

Size of baby: an eggplant!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 14 lbs and I swear it is all baby ;)  

Maternity Clothes: mostly maternity clothes, but today I am not wearing a single maternity item!  

Gender: boy

Movement: becoming more and more frequent and strong 

Sleep: not a great subject, maybe we will touch on this next week. I'm afraid if I think about my lack of sleep I just may have a break down.

What I miss: not being crazy.  I blame it on the hormones and a crazy hectic work environment right now, these two are not making a great pair. 

Cravings: none really. In fact, I'm past my starving all the time stage and really have to kinda make myself eat.

Symptoms: still some nausea in the mornings or while traveling. Just ask Luke about our historic stop in Natchez, MS last weekend.   

Best Moment This Week: eating our way through New Orleans over the weekend.  William and I ate and ate and ate, but we walked a lot too so maybe it all evened out.

Milestones: Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half about the size of a small bag of sugar, he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture. Your dexterous baby can touch and hold her feet and make a fist. Your partner may be able to hear his heartbeat by pressing his ear against your belly. Your baby has a regular sleep schedule now and active and inactive periods. You may or may not be able to discern what those periods are. Her nostrils, which have been plugged, open up.

What I'm Looking Forward To: It's Peach Fest weekend here so I'm sure we will spend plenty of time down town for festivities.  We have a fun dinner planned with friends on tonight and then we are headed to our first ever Peach Fest Rodeo with Michael and Lynsey.  Other weekend plans include organizing the pantry, staining the crib and lots of pool time :)  Plus, I think there is a plan in the works to meet up with the Simmering/Walters families in Dallas next weekend.  This means cuddle time for aunt Morgan and baby Emory and NOTHING tops that!


  1. You are such a cute peggo lady! How funny that your husband's name is William too - we just have all kinds of things in common, ha!
